iealyon School of Management, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, LIRIS lab

Our ANR project RENFORCE has been selected!

Our project RENFORCE "Reflexive Multisensory Immersive Environment for Chemical Risk Training" will be funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for 4 years, starting in January 2023. Coordinator: LIRIS lab-SICAL team / Partners: LIRIS lab-ORIGAMI team, INL (CNRS), ECP (Lyon 2)

"The impact of game elements on learner motivation: influence of initial motivation and player profile" - IEEE TLT

Our paper entitled "The impact of game elements on learner motivation: influence of initial motivation and player profile" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies journal. 
Authors: Stéphanie Reyssier, Stuart Hallifax, Audrey Serna, Jean-Charles Marty, Stéphane Simonian, Élise Lavoué

Paper accepted at CSEDU 2022

Our paper entitled "Impact of viewpoint on social presence and collaborative processes in a collaborative serious game'' has been accepted at the CSEDU 2022 conference. 
Authors: Anthony Basille, Élise Lavoué, Audrey Serna.

Scientific day: “Gamification as a motivational approach for students”

Participate to the scientific day: “Gamification as a motivational approach for students”. For the past five years, the LudiMoodle project has been working to use game elements to facilitate learning and support student motivation. The objective of this day is to present the experiments carried out, the scientific results obtained, the collaborative approach used and to discuss them.

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