iealyon School of Management, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, LIRIS lab


"A systematic literature review of Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning" - Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Our paper entitled "A systematic literature review of Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning" accepted for publication in Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.

Authors: Enzo Simonnet, Mathieu Loiseau, Élise Lavoué

"Immersive procedural training in virtual reality: A systematic literature review" - Computers & Education

Our paper entitled "Immersive procedural training in virtual reality: A systematic literature review" published in the Computers & Education journal.

Authors: Janine Jongbloed, Rawad Chaker, Elise Lavoué

"Influence of Scenarios and Player Traits on Flow in Virtual Reality" - IEEE TVCG

Our paper entitled "Influence of Scenarios and Player Traits on Flow in Virtual Reality" published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics (IEEE TVCG) journal.

Authors: Elise Lavoué, Sophie Villenave, Audrey Serna, Clémentine Didier, Patrick Baert, Guillaume Lavoué

"How does adaptive gamification impact different types of student motivation over time?" - Interactive Learning Environment journal

Our paper entitled "How does adaptive gamification impact different types of student motivation over time?" has been published in the Interactive Learning Environment journal. 
Authors: Stéphanie Reyssier, Audrey Serna, Stuart Hallifax, Jean-Charles Marty, Stéphane Simonian, Élise Lavoué

"Investigating the Effects of Tailored Gamification on Learners' Engagement over Time in a Learning Environment" - PACM HCI journal - CHI PLAY 2023

Our paper entitled "Investigating the Effects of Tailored Gamification on Learners' Engagement over Time in a Learning Environment" published in the PACM HCI journal has been invited to be presented at CHI PLAY 2023.
Authors: Audrey Serna, Stuart Hallifax, Élise Lavoué

LudiMoodle+ project - Kick-Off meeting, in Lyon.

The kick-off meeting of the LudiMoodle+ project founded by the National Research Agency (ANR) will held on May 15, 2023 in Lyon, in the presence of representatives of the partners and the ANR.

RENFORCE project - Kick-Off meeting, in Lyon.

The kick-off meeting of the RENFORCE project founded by the ANR was held on January 6, 2023 in Lyon

Full Professor

I am proud to be a Full Professor at the iaelyon School of Management, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University.

Our ANR project LudiMoodle+ has been selected!

Our project LudiMoodle+ "Ludification adaptative pour la réussite des élèves" will be funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for 2 years within the eFRAN 3 call, starting in January 2023. Coordinator: LIRIS lab-SICAL team (CNRS) / Partners: University Lyon 3 (PAPN), ECP (Lyon 2), Pimenko, Académie de Lyon